Sunday, 9 November 2008

Forgive me Cowell for I have sinned

I've often wondered about reality tv and the cult of celebrity.

I was watching x factor tonight, and pondering Simon Cowell's self appointed role as God for these people. The thought of choosing to have the destiny of your life in one man's hands frightens me - why on earth would they do it?! There's a guy on there called Daniel Evans, who can barely hold a note, and is subjected to the most vile abuse week after week. This is on top of losing his wife in childbirth, which the cynical among us might assume this could only have helped his cause, but to have to grieve so publicly AND make a fool of yourself ever Saturday is nothing short of insan(ia).

It feels like I'm watching the cycle of a breakdown. To derive any form of pleasure from watching this unfold is nothing short of sadistic, but he keeps being voted in! I wonder who on earth picks up the phone to spend a pound of their hard earned in the hope that they'll be able to witness such a masterclass the following week?
...I mean, there are few people left in his life, so I'm assuming it can only be the good people of Bridgend with little left to live for.

It brings me to another contestant, Rachel Hylton. A sickening example of why Britain needs more prisons, with 5 kids at the age of 14 and an attitude that'd make that vile CJ bloke from Eggheads seem reasonable. Seemingly tone deaf, yet still in there, I fear for my windows each time she warbles. As recompense, I'd grudgingly be prepared to accept her milk tokens towards the damage - the cost of all that Elizabeth Duke jewellery must be quite a burden.

1 comment:

v said...

Life is hard most of d time. But I strongly feel that one should try to make d best out of it and always think positively (although sometimes, it doesn't work that way ...) Still, keep on living, plz...